Dragon Ball DAIMA introduces Arinsu, a mastermind akin to Aizen, whose involvement back in the Buu Saga has made fans loose their minds.
Similar to Aizen, Dragon Ball DAIMA has brought up a comparable figure, who is capable of shaping up the destiny of the Dragon Ball world.
It is Arinsu, whose presence during the Buu Saga has added a thrilling layer to the Dragon Ball DAIMA’s narrative.
Although the truth behind Arinsu’s creation remains uncertain, Toriyama’s genius in this case is undeniable.
Needless to say, Sosuke Aizen from Bleach is undoubtedly one of the greatest masterminds of the entire animanga verse. For those who know, his powers allow him to hypnotize and control people, which is considered to be one of the most powerful Shikai abilities. Such an overpowered manipulative character has quite naturally captured the hearts of viewers, demonstrating a level of intellectual superiority that’s rarely seen in anime.
Sosuke Aizen | Credits: Studio Pierrot
However, very similar to that, Dragon Ball DAIMA has recently brought up a comparable figure, who was also present since the Buu Saga! She certainly has the essence of being a mastermind similar to Aizen who controls things from behind the curtains, defining the future course of Dragon Ball’s narrative.
Dr. Arinsu Was Present During The Buu Saga!
Dr. Arinsu from Dragon Ball DAIMA | Credits: Toei Animation
The fact, that we get to know Dr. Arinsu was there during the Buu Saga, gives a thrilling depth to the Dragon Ball DAIMA storyline. This has brought a new perspective to the legendary Buu arc, forcing one to question what truly happened to Majin Buu, as the story evolves with an interesting twist.
Interestingly, Dr. Arinsu’s motivations in this episode seemed to be similar to Towa’s as she tried to make a very powerful being, just like Mira did. The mystery surrounding her goals, her presence during the Buu arc, and several other points have proved to be a masterful move to fill up the gaps in the earlier lore of Buu. And so her actions can very well be compared with Bleach’s Aizen.
Aizen’s Presence Was Felt in This Latest Episode of Dragon Ball DAIMA
A still from episode 8 of Dragon Ball DAIMA | Credits: Toei Animation
Sosuke Aizen’s influence could be perceived in Dragon Ball DAIMA’s latest episode, following the fact that Arinsu was present way back in the legendary Buu saga. This turn of events proved that Akira Toriyama also knows how to weave a compelling character like Aizen, someone whose presence defines the core narrative of the actual story.
Fans, however, still can’t believe Arinsu’s presence in Buu Saga was actually planned all along. This revelation has all the characteristic features of a smart retcon, which further left the viewers bewildered about her (Arinsu’s) original purpose. Although the truth behind Arinsu’s creation remains uncertain, Toriyama’s genius in this case is undeniable.
The fans are surely looking forward to the next Dragon Ball DAIMA episodes, as they might give us some more insight into the true purpose of Dr. Arinsu, and what exactly she was up to in the Buu saga. Will she truly turn into a full-fledged Aizen or remain as another potential Dragon Ball character forever?