In the aftermath of his untimely passing, a beautiful friendship was strengthened between Vanessa Bryant and Pau Gasol. Gasol was Kobe’s teammate with the Los Angeles Lakers for several seasons, and all three became dear friends over the years. The friendship between Bryant and Gasol continues to this day, with the two meeting up alongside their families, as well as frequently encouraging each other on social media.
Vanessa Bryant pays tribute to Beetlejuice and Snow White for Halloween
So it was no surprise to see Gasol like Bryant’s most recent Instagram post, which has captured the attention of fans. Vanessa pulled out all the stops for her Halloween costume, dressing up as several “Beetlejuice” characters.
A sequel to the cult classic “Beetlejuice“, which came out in 1988, was just released this past month. Titled “Beetlejuice Beetljuice“, the movie is set three decades after the events of the original.
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Bryant also threw on a different costume earlier in the day, dressing up as The Evil Queen from “Snow White”.
All of her costumes were stunning, with fans loving how true to the source material they looked.