Caitlin Clark Receives Major Backlash After Revealing Which U.S. Presidential Candidate She’s Supporting

Cailtin Clark playing basketballCaitlin Clark (Photo via Getty Images)
Caitlin Clark is just one of the latest athletes to get swept up in politics. Of course, with the state of American politics, people are bound to be mad at you, no matter what side you are on.

Recently, Clark liked an Instagram post from superstar Taylor Swift endorsing presidential candidate Kamala Harris for president. Now, her Instagram comment sections are filled with outraged people who disagree with her.

I noticed you liked Taylor Swift’s endorsement post of Kamaliar and Tampon Tim. I figured you were more based and aware. Bummer,” said one comment.

“I have been a huge supporter of Clark. It’s obvious that she supports Harris or she wouldn’t have liked Swift’s Instagram post. Now I choose to stop watching the WNBA and Clark. I hope it was worth it! I think all celebrities and athletes should keep their political views to themselves. She just alienated half of her supporters. I hope she enjoys having small audiences attending her games and half the viewers that are watching on tv,” said another.

“If you like Kamala, I don’t like you. Bye. You do realize she hates women’s sports right?” added a third.

It just goes to show that no matter how big an impact or superstar you are, people can turn on you very easily.

Caitlin Clark Confirmed Kamala Harris Support In Press Conference

Clark wasn’t afraid to double down on her support for Harris when asked about liking Swift’s post in a press conference.

“It’s the second time I can vote in a [presidential] election; at 22, I could vote when I was 18,” she said. “I can do that, that’s the biggest thing I can do with the platform that I have. And that’s the same thing Taylor did. And I think continue to educate yourself with the candidates that we have, the policies that they’re supporting.”

It seems as though she won’t be backing down from her opinion.