“It is as unnatural as sh**ting in front of someone”: Aurora’s Confession About Being an Introvert and a Music Icon is a Contradiction That Makes Her More Genuine Than Taylor Swift Could Ever Be

Despite her global fame, Aurora still struggles with performing in front of large crowds due to her introversion.

aurora, taylor swiftImages by Pistenwolf and Pistenwolf, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


Aurora spoke her true feelings about performing in a recent event in Glastonbury.
The Norwegian singer is very open about her introversion which she claims contradicts with her job.

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Aurora found fame in the music industry in 2015 when she released her debut EP Running with the Wolves. Soon after, she became a global icon touring the world. This is quite an impressive feat, given how she admitted to being a massive introvert.

aurora-b-sides-interviewAurora via B-Sides / YouTube

The singer has been very vocal about her shyness and anxiety while performing in front large crowds, and this is why a lot of fans admire her so much. America’s biggest pop star Taylor Swift has been in the industry for quite a long time, and she is known for being an extrovert and a born performer.

Aurora Makes A Confession About Being An Introverted Singer

aurora-build-series-interviewAurora via Build Series LDN / YouTube

While performing live at Glastonbury, Norwegian singer Aurora shared how she struggles to perform in front of her fans. An Instagram fan page shared her speech:

Introverts aren’t meant to become artists and do things like this. Sometimes, it is as unnatural as sh—ting in front of someone. That’s how I feel. I feel like I’m sh—ting in front of you. I hope you enjoy what you see here.

Fans cheered for her as she confessed how she truly felt about singing live in front of a large audience. In an interview with Blue Wings, she said about performing: “I’m an introvert and that’s quite a challenge because I like to be alone. This job and this life is quite a contrast to that.”

She also spoke more about her introversion in a conversation via Build Series LDN:

I’m an introvert and the world is not created for introverts, because when people are really external and out there, people say, ‘I like that guy, he’s really out there,’ and then they say – you know – ‘But she’s a bit strange. She was quiet the whole time.’

Aurora noted that she’s now “a bit better at talking to people” after getting to perform in several events and because “I’ve met five billion people in the last four years.”

Taylor Swift On Being A Songwriting Superstar


Taylor Swift via CBS News

While Aurora is a quintessential introverted artist who likes to be alone and keep things to herself, Taylor Swift expresses her emotions through songwriting. It’s no secret that her tracks are sometimes clues as to what is happening in her life. She writes songs about her own breakups and makes diss tracks for her haters.

In her interview with The Guardian, she explains why this sets her free:

I know the difference between making art and living your life like a reality star, and then even if it’s hard for other people to grasp, my definition is really clear.

Swift’s personal life is pretty much an open book now. She has also mastered the art of being a celebrity and has admitted many times that she has learned to ignore the noises around her. This is pretty much a nightmare for introverts out there.