Besides being a memorable achievement, the upcoming Elbaph arc promises to be a watershed event in the story. The heroes could fight against one of One Piece’s most intimidating villains to date, with some underrated characters surprising fans with an unexpected power-up. Moreover, what happens during this period could trigger the events of the manga’s grand finale.
The Straw Hats’ Dream of Entering Elbaph Has Been Fulfilled
Luffy and Usopp Have Achieved Their Goal

One Piece Chapter #1132 mentioned an almost forgotten name that first appeared years ago. Here is everything about the explorer Louis Arnot.
This upcoming arc has everything it needs to become one of the most important in the series, possibly expanding the lore of the world. Not only has Loki been introduced after many years of waiting, who could become one of the most powerful villains, but many unresolved plotlines could also be addressed. Nico is on her way to reunite with Saul, the Giant who sacrificed it all to save her from the tragedy of Ohara. One Piece’s anticipated reunion between Luffy and Shanks could also take place during this arc.
Elbaph Will Be Usopp’s Time To Shine
He Will Become A Brave Warrior of the Sea

Although the entire Straw Hat Crew has been shown to have high expectations for the Giant’s homeland, it is Usopp who has been the most vocal about it. For Yasopp’s son, pirates like Brogy and Dorry are more than just admirable warriors, they are his goal. Usopp dreams of becoming a brave, powerful, and imposing fighter like them, a desire that he has been extremely outspoken about. Having reached this iconic location might be the next step in Usopp’s journey to complete his dream. The marksman will have the opportunity to train with his idols and learn about their culture.
Loki Could Be One Of The Series’ Greatest Villains
Fans Have High Hopes for Elbaph’s Sun God

Loki’s introduction in chapter #1130 of the One Piece manga is perhaps one of the most striking and memorable. The series began building up this villain’s reputation even before he was seen by Luffy by naming him the Accursed Prince of Elbaph. Such was his evil, that he killed his father in pursuit of his mysterious and legendary Devil Fruit, the terrifying nature of which One Piece might have already been revealed. Knowing these details makes his first appearance, chained up and with a confident smile on his face, much more frightening.
Elbaph Could Set Up The Events Of The Series Finale
The Straw Hats Are Closer Than Ever To Their Goal

Once this upcoming arc ends, there will be almost no minor plotlines to explore, as many of them have hinted at being resolved in the Giant’s homeland. The World Government is also ruthlessly persecuting the Straw Hats, determined to end their lives after their defeat on Egghead Island. If the horrifying ultimate villains of One Piece get involved with the Giants, the possibility of a full-scale war will greatly increase. If this is indeed Oda’s idea, the true final battle of the series could already be looming on the horizon.