The Ohara Incident in One Piece remains a dark event in history, involving the execution of hundreds for researching the Void Century.
Despite the tragedy, Ohara’s research survives, with the scholars’ legacy and work living on through a beloved side character and the survival of their knowledge.
Chapter 1134 reveals that Saul is alive, protecting Ohara’s research for 22 years in Elbaf’s Owl Library, hinting that this arc will unveil more secrets about the Void Century.
As lighthearted as One Piece is as a franchise, there are quite a few notable moments in the series that are incredibly dark. While dark moments serve to shock and surprise the viewers in any story, this is felt even more in One Piece because of its otherwise friendly, colorful, and adventurous tone. Although these instances are few and far between, they go down in the eyes of fans as some of the most important and harrowing in the series.
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Just What Was The Ohara Incident?
A Dark Period From 22 Years Ago
First Appearance
One Piece, Chapter 395, “Ohara vs. The World Government”
Story Arc
Enies Lobby
Notable Characters Present
Nico Robin, Saul, Kuzan, Sakazuki, Clover, Nico Olvia
However, traces of this knowledge are still found around the world, and anyone looking to research it must do so in complete secrecy. This is what the scholars of Ohara did, as they spent many decades compiling all the books and knowledge about this time period and creating a library/research center within Ohara’s ancient Tree of Knowledge. Here, they not only researched the Void Century, but they also decoded Poneglyphs and had ways to teach others the means of learning the lost language that was carved into them.
More importantly, this history will surely reveal the existence of this Ancient Kingdom, and that presents a threat to your ‘World Government’, doesn’t it?
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How The Legacy Of Ohara Lives On
Ohara’s Research Is Mostly Intac
During the Egghead arc, a huge reveal was made; that the beloved former-Marine Jaguar D. Saul was actually alive, despite being presumed dead for many years. In the Enies Lobby arc, one of the most harrowing scenes showed the scholars of Ohara throwing down the books from the Tree of Knowledge into the lake below it in hopes of saving their precious work, which ended up working.
This reveal was groundbreaking, since it not only confirmed the survival of one of One Piece’s most beloved side characters, hundreds of chapters after fans believed him to have died, but also that the life’s work of the Ohara scholars wasn’t for nothing. It showed that although these innocent people died, their legacy continues to live on through the survival of their work.