Shanks is a mysterious figure in One Piece’s world, being both a mentor to Luffy and an Emperor of the Sea.
He has shady connections to the World Government, leading some fans to believe he may be evil.
Despite speculation, Shanks is highly respected and hints at being one of the few good pirates in the story.
However, with the level of speculation that goes into Shanks, some theories are bound to be a bit more strange than others. Ranging from theories about a twin brother, or his true connection to Luffy in the world of One Piece, Shanks is one of the few characters, along with Dragon, that is open to the most speculation. This includes plenty that suggest that Shanks himself is actually evil and is looking to fight or betray Luffy by the end of One Piece.
Although many characters in One Piece have an iconic laugh, only one has the best in the whole series.
Shanks Is A Mysterious Figure In One Piece
He Is Luffy’s Idol And Connected To The World Government At The Same Time

Pistols aren’t for threats. They’re for actions! Are you willing to risk your life? – Shanks
Shanks Has Become The Snitch Of One Piece
The Emperor Has Had Some Shady Dealings Throughout The Story

Shanks’s Connection To The World Government Make Him Seem Shady
Shanks Cruelly Destroys Enemy Pirates
Firstly, this connection to the World Government of One Piece is one of the reasons that many fans believe Shanks may be evil. Many fans in the community of One Piece make memes that constantly poke fun at the fact that Shanks has private conversations with the Five Elders of the World Government, referring to him as a rat or snitch. Additionally, many believe that he has a major plot that he’s been scheming behind the scenes that will only be revealed closer to the end of One Piece.
While many characters may seem simple on the surface, one fan perfectly dissects Vegapunk’s character in One Piece.
At the same time, some fans believe he is evil due to the sheer ruthlessness that he dispatches enemy pirates with. Shanks completely decimated Captain Kid and his crew, presumably leaving him for dead. At the same time, Shanks also captured Bartolomeo and gave him an ultimatum of taking poison or ratting out Luffy, a fairly cruel method. Although it proved to be a test in the end, Yassop, Shanks’s sniper, still destroyed Bartolomeo’s ship while they were sailing away.
Shanks Is Too Well Respected To Be Evil
Luffy And The Giants Respect Shanks For His Morality

I’ll leave this hat with you. It’s dear to me. – Shanks to Luffy
On top of this, Shanks has too much respect for the former One Piece Pirate king, Gol D. Roger, to be evil. To Shanks, Roger is his idol and mentor. If Shanks were to do anything too evil, it would go against everything that Roger taught him.
While there may be a small amount of evidence to craft a theory in One Piece as to why Shanks could be evil, so far in the story, Shanks is one of the furthest Pirates in One Piece from being bad. In many ways, Shanks is one of the few good pirates left and was the only morally good Emperor before Luffy joined the fray. Unless something big happens later in the story of One Piece, and it turns out his entire persona was a facade, there is almost no way Shanks could be evil.