Resurfaced footage from earlier this year shows President Joe Biden yelling at the press when they ask him about utilizing executive power to take substantive measures to secure the border.  Throughout the Biden-Harris administration, the president has been urged to use his executive authority to mitigate the border crisis, where millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the country.

However, Biden has refused to take such action as his predecessor, former President Donald Trump did.  Instead, President Biden spent the early days of his presidency undoing the measures put into place by the Trump administration.  Furthermore, Biden has consistently maintained that he doesn’t have the authority to use his executive power on the border, instead deferring to Congress to pass a border bill.

As the president stood in front of Marine One, a nearby reporter asked Biden, “With executive authority, is there more you can do …”  Biden cut off the reporter before he could finish the question, stating, “I’ve done all I can do! Just give me the power! Give me the border patrol, give me the people, the judges. Give me the people who can stop this!”

Subsequently, users on social media blasted President Biden, calling out the president for refusing to take action on the border.  The popular conservative X account, Citizen Free Press, shared the clip with a caption that read, “Biden starts yelling after taking a question about the border.”  Other users called out the president, disagreeing with his assertion that he doesn’t have the authority.

Sharing a screenshot from the White House website, one user pointed out Biden’s agenda to undo the initiatives of the Trump administration and “Stop Border Wall Construction.”  “Literally from his “Day One” agenda,” they wrote.  “Bipartisan majorities in Congress refused in 2019 to fund President Trump’s plans for a massive wall along our southern border, even after he shut down the government over this issue. He then wastefully diverted billions of dollars to that construction,” according to the screenshot.

The statement continued, “By proclamation, President-elect Biden will today declare an immediate termination of the national emergency declaration that was used as a pretext to justify some of the funding diversions for the wall. The proclamation directs an immediate pause in wall construction projects to allow a close review of the legality of the funding and contracting methods used, and to determine the best way to redirect funds that were diverted by the prior Administration to fund wall construction.”

Another user wrote, “What an absolute liar. SO is he really saying that if China amassed millions of soldiers on the Mexico/US border he couldn’t stop them from coming across the border unless congress said it’s OK?”  Another person said, “Isn’t this just complete nonsense though? isn’t it that he’s trying to get money for Ukraine on a bill that has border control on it? that seems basically like 1) holding our own citizens hostage as we are invaded 2) lying to the public about why he can’t secure the border.”

“He has all the power. He needs granted to him by the United States Constitution to stop the illegal border crossings. It is 100% his job. It is 100% his responsibility. And he 100% has the constitutional authority to close the border,” another user wrote.

Watch Biden below:


Note:  The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.