Joe Budden has admitted to Lil Yachty face to face that he thought the rapper’s career would be over by now.

The former Slaughterhouse lyricist made a surprise appearance on Yachty’s A Safe Place Podcast where the two discussed their differences in a frank conversation.

Yachty bluntly asked Budden if he thought his career would last as long as it has done so far, to which the podcaster responded with a resolute “no.”

He added: “Not at all. You shitting me? You have defied the odds, n-gga. I ain’t even about to lie to you. I didn’t think you would be this good. Your last album? Hell no, I didn’t think you’d be able to do that.

“I didn’t think you’d be able to pen some of the things you penned. No matter what your backing is, you stand alone. You’ve created your own lane. I can’t be prouder of you.”

Watch the clip below.

Budden also revealed during the episode that the first-ever interview he did with another artist on Everyday Struggle was his heated conversation with Lil Yachty in 2017, which he now says is “not one of my proudest moments.”

During that infamous interview, Budden was antagonistic towards Yachty, slamming his claim of being “happy every day.”

“Feelings are fickle,” Budden said. “What that means is, they come and they go. Nobody is one thing forever. You would be lying to tell me that as a young man in this industry you are happy 24-7. That is a lie. That is bullshit. And I refuse to have somebody tell me bullshit. I want to have an honest conversation.”

Yachty replied: “When you come from a college dorm room, with no money…and you ain’t gettin’ no play with no girls, you have no clothes, you have no car…and you come to having three or four cars, millions of dollars, half a million dollars on your body just to wear, and any kind of clothes you want, any hoes you want, how can you be upset?”

Throughout the interview, Budden interrupted and cut off Yachty and was heavily criticized online for how he conducted himself.

The episode also led to a continued back-and-forth between the two, who have evidently since made amends.