During a recent segment of Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” co-hosts Jesse Watters and Jessica Tarlov got into a brief spat regarding claims that JD Vance was booed during a speaking event at a firefighters convention in Boston, Massachusetts.  Tarlov, who often serves as the dissenting liberal opinion on the conservative talk show, often sparks heated disagreements with her takes.

Speaking about the event in which Vance was reportedly booed, Tarlov said, “I will say that, you know, watching a little bit of Trump today, listening to his allies. JD Vance was out there being booed by a bunch of firefighters earlier this afternoon.”  Watters cut her off mid-sentence, pointing out, “And he got a round of applause.”

Tarlov proceeded to adjust her statement to reflect the interjection from Watters, saying, “Slash half the audience hated him.”  Watters cut in again, “No, no, no it was in Boston.”  Continuing to speak over his co-host, Watters said, “It was in Boston that’s a deep Democrat city, and he got overwhelmingly a round of applause.”  Tarlov sarcastically responded, “Brave, brave man JD Vance … I think is approval of like negative 17.”

The American Tribune reported on another intense disagreement on “The Five” between Watters and Tarlov over Vice President Kamala Harris’s viability as a presidential candidate. As Watters criticized Harris, labeling her an “opportunist,” Tarlov stepped in to defend the Democratic presidential candidate, sparking a tense back-and-forth.

“Her numbers are fading,” Waters said.  “She peaked in August. Everybody knows that Nate Silver now gives Donald Trump a 62% chance of winning the Electoral College. I don’t care how much money she raises, not about his convention, but I don’t care how much money she raises. Hillary raised twice as much as Trump, and he smoked her.”

Continuing to describe her ineptitude as a presidential candidate, Waters added, “She’s reading these briefing books about policy because she doesn’t know what her policies are. That’s why she’s cramming, because she has no idea what happened the last four years and she has no idea what she’s supposed to say, because she doesn’t know, because she doesn’t have an opinion. She’s an opportunist. She just rode the machine to the top and got lucky because Joe crapped out.”

“If the media is saying Jessica that she’s dodging scrutiny, they’re the ones who are supposed to scrutinize her,” Waters continued, pointing out criticism that the media has been soft on Kamala Harris. Tarlov, taking issue with this claim, then asserted, “Well they are.”  Waters questioned in disagreement, “How!?”  Tarlov then claimed media outlets were writing “junk pieces” about Harris.

Waters fired back at this claim, “They’re not writing junk pieces. They’re writing about how she’s a great cook and how she’s filled with joy. If you had a fair media, they’d be writing something about like only committing to one debate. Well, where are you? You’re a flip flopper. You don’t know what you believe.  That’s how it would be in real life.”

Watch the spat between Watters and Tarlov below:



Note:  The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.